Lansil Golf Club 2023

H Holes


Lancashire Golf Union in conjunction with England Golf have today sent out a further update on how the rise in Covid-19 cases and subsequent Government guidelines will effect us. The good news is we can still play golf! The latest additional rules are: - all players (members and visitors) must either scan the Lansil Golf Club QR code or sign in providing their name and contact number for track and trace purposes. - Everyone must wear a face mask (unless exempt) when signing in. This may be removed prior to play. - A tee time MUST be booked if you want to play - no just turning up expecting to play. - Flag sticks and bunker rakes are still not to be touched - Open top bins are permitted as long as they are regularly sanitized (this will be done by the green fee team members) - Divot mix boxes will be removed Please do follow these guidelines as we can be fined for not complying both individually and as a Club. Your understanding and compliance is very much appreciated
No tee times available today. Please pick a different date.